Welcome to Zeya's (lazy) website 🙂

I like tech stuff. I moved to SF after college and have always worked here. I grew up in China, Japan, and Canada. I'm not a flashy person – I prefer to get to know people 1:1 or in small groups. You might see me running in Golden Gate Park.

Some random stuff you don’t get on LinkedIn: My first “entrepreneurial” scheme was reselling Adobe CS licenses to my high school classmates. Pre-2010, I had a YouTube channel with 100K+ views. For a period, I was a personal fitness trainer in SF on a P2P fitness marketplace called Vint. I dropped out of law school.

Today, I invest in early stage B2B / SaaS startups with a16z. Before joining the dark side, I was a product guy at Plaid and Dropbox.

Below are some links:

